Our Christmas card. For those of you who received one, this version (and the photo below) is the handiwork of JJ. Thanks kiddo.
Now looking back at two visits and pictures with Santa:
Remember our Baby S last year?
Same outfit, same Mall, and once again we lucked out with a smile. We are both proud and a little sad seeing SS leaving the baby days behind. This year SS was not afraid of Santa, but she also was not in a mood to smile. We had to work our buns off for this smile. I think this time she was keenly aware of the many people watching her.
You want me to smile for yet another picture?
OK, just one more. This must firmly place me at the top of the Nice List.
Because P still complains that there are not enough pics of SS and Mama.
She's P's daughter alright.
We had to do quite a few takes before getting a decent picture of the three of us, and still did not get SS smiling. Just before this one, we had a laughing fit over one of my foot in mouth moments. I asked P to sit behind us and I would sit with SS between his legs. Poor guy's brain was fried from assembling SS's gift, and would repeatedly ask what I wanted. I would explain and he would respond that he did not understand. Equally exasperated from holding a hyper SS I blurted out "Just spread your legs wide open and I'll take care of the rest!"
We are hoping SS likes her big gift. She simply goes bananas every time we come across one.
Why we will keep eating at the kitchen counter.
Finally, whatever happened to going to bed early to get up early and open presents. This might be our last Santa year with SS. With the attachment stuff and now my health issues, we neglected to discuss if we are going to keep the myth going.
Grandpa's gift is going to wait for Dia de Reyes. They have been manufacturing that darn toy for 30 years. We know, we bought the 30th anniversary edition, and they have yet to refine the assembly. I went Online looking for comments from frustrated parents, and we tried what worked for them. Nope, not even our combined body weights would get those freaking parts in. Most parents recommended paying the $10 assembly fee at Toys R US. Well, we do not have a TRU here. Funny thing, P worked one Christmas season at TRU and darn it he never had to assemble this toy.
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