Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Some people never learn.

With the current hyper awareness of how texting/sending/posting without thinking can ruin someone's life, one would think everyone would be mindful about engaging in any kind of electronic discourse that might come across as improper.

Apparently not...


Brenda said...


2china4S said...

We thought it was obvious. Some people wear lamp shades when tipsy, our daughter dons a helmet that weights as much as she does. :)

Brenda said...

Well, blow me over with a feather. I'm calling CPS right now.

2china4S said...

Way ahead of you Brenda. SS's godmother has worked for CPS for 20 years, and pretty much runs her local office. Our local go to person is also a CPS SW. They are our inside people to make things go away. :) How I wish their respective positions were a figment of our imaginations, but nope. :)

FWIW, they were at a burger joint.