SS and I had our first taste of Ch*ck-fil-A and liked it. It's so good to be back in civilization. The mall was a bit overwhelming, but we managed. Although this was our first face to face meeting, we have communicated for years. It was more of catching up with an old friend. We chatted, we went to C0stco, and a good time was had by all. Michelle gave me a great idea for our downstairs half bathroom. Half bathroom is not the correct description, that thing is more like a 1/8 bathroom. We must not have scared her that much, because she and Uncle Joe will be visiting us soon. We are also getting together in a couple of weeks for a picnic, and hopefully do something we have wanted to do for a while. Whenever Michelle posted about it in her blog, P and I really rued where we lived. We are hoping to join in the fun.
On the drive home I was reacquainted with something I had completely forgotten, California road rage. I was on a lane that was ending, and as I was about to merge, some world class jerk almost ran me off the road. Had that happened, we would have slid down a nice little cliff. SS was hysterical, it took me a while to calm her down. Between sobs she said "Mama we almost fell, the hill was close to my window." Well, she was closer than I, so she had a better view. The jerk had to be going over ninety, and I so wished I had been driving the moving truck to return the favor. He was driving a pick up truck with a business logo, but I only got a glance, and forget about getting a license plate number. I was royally teed off, but had to hold it together for SS. By the time I calmed down my baby, we were merging into an area where I have driven hundreds of times. There are a lot of lanes, but I have never had a problem there. That is when the enormity of what could have happened hit me. The fact that some nameless, faceless son of a b*tch could have hurt SS just overwhelmed me. I am still not sure how I managed to remain in control of the van, SS's great-grandparents were certainly looking after us. That led to a nasty panic attack, with a flood of tears threatening to fall. I called P, but did not mention what had happened, it helped calmed down both of us. I only hope that karma gets that a-hole, and that it gets him good. I know that is not very Christian of me, but I am Evil Incarnate and The Forces from Hell. I do unleash it when my kids are threatened in any way.
Other than that incident, we had a great day. Apparently meeting people increases SS's appetite. She had a bowl of spaghetti with sausage, moved on to eat more of her lunch leftovers, had a bunch of taquitos, and inhaled several sticks of go-gurt. P felt her tummy and it was quite impressive. OMG, we just heard some ruffling in the kitchen, SS is munching on Apple J@cks.We are pooped, and I can't wait to hit the sack, and enjoy the next three days with P at home. Michelle, thank you so much for meeting with us.

1 comment:
It was so fun! Although I swear I felt like we had met before. We have been online friends for 6 years!! Can you believe it took us that long to meet? I can't wait to come and see your new place and have carnitas. Yum. I'll be posting soon but it will look the same because they are all your pictures. :) thank you so much for making the drive. Our meeting was everything I knew it would be plus more. Give S a kiss from me!
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