Saturday, June 30, 2012

Fun filled Monday.

Since we dragged on Sunday we had a lot of making up to do the next day. P came up with the idea to go to Laughlin. It was probably a result of the dinner we had with his family. The restaurant we went to is where the family gathered for P's high school graduation. His mom stated that it was the last time P was there. Nope, P and I dined there on a date. The trip down memory lane had us reminiscing about a quick two day trip to Laughlin, and how much fun we had on a seadoo, ripping it up in the Colorado river.
P thought it would be great to introduce SS to fun in a seadoo there. Now this is where we usually end up messing things up. Seriously, we have a tranquil lake practically on our backyard; but no, we chose the freaking Colorado river as SS's first time. Sometimes I wonder how we were approved to bring SS home.

The water was choppy and the wind made things worse. What we failed to take into account is that when we were there it was the end of summer, water levels were lower, less people, meaning less boats causing wakes, calmer waters. It wasn't as pleasant, but we made the best of it. Even though SS claims to constantly feel the need for speed, we don't think she is going to be asking for a seadoo for Christmas. We will wait a while, then take her out on the lake, to hopefully make her enthusiastic about riding one again.

After fun in the sun we fed SS, bathed her (she is self sufficient, but we did not want to risk getting her stitches wet), then P took her to Kid Kastle. We had a nice prime rib dinner with a river view. The prime rib was tender, some of the best we have had, and we could not finish our dinner, let alone dessert. We did some more big time penny gambling, then four hours later picked up our baby. It felt good to have some alone time, and we are going to make an effort to do it on a regular basis. It helps that SS starts school next month, and P is off on Mondays and some Tuesdays.

Not so sure about this people.

Is it even legal for me to be on this thing?

They both look thrilled.

El Mamo

Dinner with a river view.

This is crazy, kayaking on such a swift current.

Tuesday morning, ready to go home.

We took a quick look at the classic car museum, but SS was into the motorcycles.

We bought SS two analog Buzz Lightyear watches. She has two digital ones, and Nana gave her a digital Hello Kitty one recently. Then we realized that our daughter is about to start kindergarten and can't tell time. We are determined to expose Sula to things that are now taken for granted in the digital age. Things like cursive writing, writing real letters instead of emails, and using an analog watch/clock. We are keeping the second watch as a first day of school gift, it's a Lego Buzz watch.

Lucky girl on a Delorean. The attendant had her hold the do not touch sign. He said she wasn't touching it, just sitting on it.

P drove all the way home again, and I did not object. I was reading then felt something next to me, it was SS's feet by my head. Even when sleeping she finds a way to lounge.

Four hours later we were back to reality, via a wound check at urgent care. We will return to Laughlin, the magical land where you can get a Jack and Coke for $1, but pay $2.30 for a medium soft drink.

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