Sunday, September 23, 2012

Baby J has arrived!

On September 17 Baby J made her grand entrance into the world, at 8.5 pounds and 22.5 inches in length. And by grand entrance I mean that she arrived fashionably late. Her due date was September 13, but her doctor thought Baby J was going to arrive early. Nana flew to Missouri early, for a front seat to the event. I was hoping for a Labor Day delivery, I mean how cute would that be? But Baby J proved that she is going to be a handful, because she decided to remain in the safety of her mommy's womb until she was darn ready to venture into the scary outside world.  She did not care what the doctor predicted, she did it her way.

The new party of five, Uncle M, Cousin B, Baby J, Aunt C, and Cousin H.

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