Thursday, February 16, 2017

SS is getting beter.

Last night the instructor had enough of watching the kids' belts tied improperly. He had instructions at the sign in table since last session. I thought I had done a pretty decent job since SS was the only kid who did not have to run back to her parents when the belt came off. But no, there is a right way and Mr. W is a stickler for proper form.  He asked the parents to stand behind their child and spent about 15 minutes demonstrating the proper way to tie a belt.

SS and her little fists of fury, so freaking cute. She is really making an effort to get in position properly. We think SS is making decent progress and she looks so serious, even from the back.

Then she turns around and gives us the she is so proud of herself smile.

We think her form here is good. The boy on her left outranks her and his form is rather sloppy. And SS was on her second class of the day, she was making up a missed class from last week.

One thing we hoped SS accomplished was to improve her balance. We are surer she will get there eventually.