Saturday, December 07, 2019

Good news

SS on her way to warm up and still not happy. However she got an awesome surprise. We had been at the warm up lane for ten minutes unsuccessfully trying to talk SS into getting in the water. Then her first and favorite coach came to talk to her. We like Coach A and SS simply adores him. He does not have a problem calling out SS when she is not performing to her abilities. As a matter of fact we were kind of hurt when he kicked her out of the guppy group (beginners). He explained that SS had the best technique in that group and it was time to advance.

Coach A is also very good about letting the kids know when they have done well. Well, Coach A is taking over SS's group. All of a sudden our girl is in the water and giving it her all. This is going to give SS the incentive to swim during the winter.

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