Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Maybe we will get to see SGirl’s classrooms.

 A big change when SGirl started 9th grade was that we were (still are) dealing with a pandemic. The school tours were done virtually, there was a mask mandate for everyone, no exceptions. Both 9th and 10th graders were first time students at the high school. To keep the kids safe, no parents were allowed on campus. I was only on campus twice, the second week of school SGirl got sick in class, and I was called to bring her home. The second visit was to attend the honor roll ceremony the last week of school.

It is still weird that we have yet to set foot in any of SGirl’s classrooms. We have always been there for the first day of school, and volunteered for classroom and field trips. I was allowed to accompany SGirl when she picked up her books, had her ID picture taken, and to drop over $200 on activities through the school year. We received an email recently and they are considering having an in person back to school night. While this is very foreign to us, as long as the kids are safe we are on board. SGirl still wears a mask and only takes it off to eat or drink. She is very serious about not catching COVID and so far we have all escaped the curse. 

SGirl has been an honor roll student since third grade, when they start awarding HR. I do not know if this is the way all high schools do it, but HR is only awarded at the end of the school year, not both semesters. Another change I did not know about until they started calling out names, is that they only have a ceremony for those with a GPA higher than 4.0. I don’t even know if they award honor roll for GPAs of 3.50 to 4.0. SGirl also received an award for outstanding performance in math. We were only advised that she would receive teh award, but not the class. P and I were pretty surprised that it was math. The picture below is our girl the day of the HR awards. SGirl would not even take off her mask for the picture. ☺

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