Today the babies had their physical exam, required for entry into the U.S. Like everything else so far it was a blur. They did not even check Baby S's hearing, which is fine with us, because we know she can hear just fine. But like her brother, she has selective hearing. Baby S weights 17 pounds and we have no idea how long she is, because they did not tell us.
Jen, one of the moms, has nicknamed Baby S The Urchin and The Barnacle, because she is so content in the Ergo.
Today the babies had their physical exam, required for entry into the U.S. Like everything else so far it was a blur. They did not even check Baby S's hearing, which is fine with us, because we know she can hear just fine. But like her brother, she has selective hearing. Baby S weights 17 pounds and we have no idea how long she is, because they did not tell us.
We have seen many pictures of these statues over the past three years. No one mentioned that it's within walking distance of the White Swan Hotel (where we would be if our agency was not so cheap). So this is the Chinese impression of American adoptive parents (the old dude looks like my Papi). I dubbed the lady Ms. Saggy Boobs, and I finally got to take my picture with her.
P wanted to sit next to Baby S. She is usually between us or next to me, but in the spirit of sharing I said OK. This is his idea of feeding a 16 month old, a heavy plate full of food, easily within her reach. Baby S had a grilled cheese and fries.
Hi K baby S looks like a princess All the time.Its very wonderful to see her beautiful face smiling must of the time.the first visit to the doctorwas very funny to her.
Me deencantaron las ultimas fotos y ella se sento en el restaurant como si fuera un adulto comirndo sus papas y aqui no paso nada .
God Bless all of you.
That slurpee mascot guy on the machine looks very apathetic to the fact that he's holding a slurpee that's bigger than his body.
Good God, I hope they finish the construction before we travel! When we were there we stayed at the Garden Hotel and it was very nice, but we ended up at the White Swan every day(my sis had friends who were staying there). Their pool rocks! I wish we could stay at the White Swan. I don't know why our agency doesn't use that hotel.
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