Thursday, November 28, 2013

We are thankful for so many things.

Like last year P worked today and will work tomorrow. No biggie, because he is very pleased with his OT pay, and it will go directly to Christmas shopping. I did warn him that I want us to go very low key this year. SS has way too many toys, and last year she got a freaking car.  It's time to teach our daughter the meaning of enjoying time as a family and not focus so much on loot.  Besides, P came up with a neat way of celebrating JJ's and SS's birthdays and it's going to be pricey. I am not a big birthday person when it comes to mine, but must admit I'm a tad jealous of my kids. 

How cute is this? As I predicted, spending more time with P has made SS closer to him, and it shows.
Then the bad seed in me felt kind of left out.

P is very thankful for his birthday gift from Grandpa, the special edition barrel containing all the Breaking Bad seasons in blue ray.

Grandpa took care of us today as well, sending this beautiful arrangement for our table.

And thanks to Grandpa we did not have to cook today, our feast arrived yesterday, a fully cooked turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet potato souffle, and cheesecake. Enough to feed a party of 12, so we have way too much leftover.

But the thing we are the most thankful for everyday is these two creatures.

Born a world apart, over two decades apart, not sharing a single strand of DNA, yet so eerily alike. There's been a lot of laughter around here lately, something we sorely needed. These two clowns are just too funny.

P was exhausted and headed to bed before eight, and JJ just headed upstairs. It's just the girl and I, and a good old story before I send her to her room.

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