Monday, January 18, 2010


Yesterday evening I was reading about Haiti Online and looking at the vast devastation. There had been one thought that had been nagging me for days, I knew the answer, but I just had to ask. I took a big breath and asked P if he would consider adopting from Haiti. There, I said it, for all the wrong reasons. Because the next predicted big one in the Caribbean in predicted to be a 7.5 that will hit Puerto Rico, because it is heart breaking to look at helpless children suffer, because feeling helpless sucks. P looked at me, not much of a reaction, he just said "I can't give up my dream. I'm sorry, I just can't." That was the end of that.

It is normal to try to reach out and help, and different families have different ideas as to what that help entails. Truth be told, had P said yes, I would not have known what to do. Adding to a family is very serious, affects all of us, and right now I am content. I am enjoying my one on one time with SS (some days more than others), even this forced extra time, financial repercussions and all. Still, there is that part of my heart that wants every child to have what SS has, a forever family.

If like us, you would like to help and are not sure how, here is a link to a post written by the mother of our favorite Chinese twins , the Salsa Twins. The family they refer to in their blog adopted twin boys from Haiti. They have done their research about the organization they trust and recommend,Heartline Ministries.. Another trustworthy organization is Doctors Without Borders. We pray that as many children as possible can be united with their waiting families, and that the influx of supplies reaches those in need as soon as possible.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Just catching up. Huge thunder storm right now down here. Too busy to spend much time - SS looks adorable as usual!