Saturday, December 08, 2012


Yesterday we spent a few hours at the Winter Fest held downtown.  Main Street is closed, there are arts and crafts booths, food, bouncy houses, and performances. The two biggest draws are the snow area, where they make a small snow hill, and the kids get to slide down, and a visit with Santa Claus.  Some of SS's classmates where there as well, and E was scheduled to dance. SS was able to spend some time with her friends while waiting to visit with Santa.  We thought we were done shopping for SS, but she threw us a curve ball. The girl who would usually ask for everything had one request, one we had never heard before. SS wants a Wolverine (X-men) toy, and Wolverine must have his claws out. We have no idea what she is talking about. We are going to shopping today so SS can show me her coveted toy.

Progress, SS used to flip out whenever P tried to carry her on his shoulders. Not only did SS ask, but P walked around with her like this for a while. Trust comes in baby steps.

Left to right: M (D's sister), E, J (classmate), D (classmate), and of course, our thug.

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