Sunday, May 17, 2009

More water time.

P and SS were outside this morning, while I cleaned the kitchen from the breakfast carnage. When I finally made it outside, I found P and SS lounging in a larger pool. We bought that pool for SS over two years ago, for $7.50, not a bad deal. I had not thought of using it because I felt it was too deep for her. But P had other ideas and fearing our first 100 degree day of the summer, just hauled it out. Like he said, "Why should SS be the only cooling off in water"? SS did really well and even spent time getting in and out on her own. Before I knew it, I was sitting next to them, still in my jammies. I know, how classy. We had a pretty easy going day, just watching SS enjoy herself and making us laugh with her antics.

I asked SS to look at me, like I do a few dozen times a day when taking pictures. When SS saw the camera, she moved closer to P and placed her arm around him. This is the first time she has posed for us. It was quite funny.

Being a ham.

They just crack each other up.

SS and her personal lifeguard.

She is getting so dark, and that is with heavy doses of SPF 50. Meanwhile, there is no progress with my pasty appearance, and I only use SPF 10. What gives?

1 comment:

ruthiega said...

Grandma Ruthie
Sula que mucho disfrutan tus padres contigo.Yo se que al tu estar presente en sus vidas ,ha sido una bendicion de Dios.Pero he observado que cada dia despues de cumplir 2 años aprendes cosas diferentes. Eres una niña inteligente y simpatica, te ganas el cariño de todo el que te conoce.
Ya haz tenido tres piscinas en tan corto tiempo. La semana pasada estrenastes la segunda y esta semana la tercera. Pero se que habia que comprar una mas grande para que Baba y Mama puedan disfrutar contigo.
Dios te bendiga y gracias por el cariño y el amor que me brindastes cuando en el mes de Marzo estuve de vacaciones en tu casa.
Con mucho amor y cariño
GRandma Ruthie