I lost it, as tired as I was I felt so sorry for the guy. All he wanted was to get the bed done for us to rest, but SS is a formidable foe and foiled his well meaning attempts at slumber. I laughed so much, I could not stop laughing, it was too freaking absurd not to laugh. P does not drop the F bomb frequently, and when he does you know he is at his wit's end, or has had the air knocked out of him. SS is really good at getting people to that point. SS is quite a challenge to parent in private, all her good manners and gentle ways are forgotten, and she goes full blast into everything she does. I never envisioned being home more than six months and often wonder how I have made it for two years now. I asked P if he would like to spend six months with SS so they can work on bonding. I just love the look on his face when he sincerely says "F*&# NO! I love her but there's only so much I can take." Oh come on, if little old me can do it, so can you. :)
Today I finally had my yearly check up. P asked me if I wanted him there and I told him it would be a good idea for the p@p smear part. Then why oh why did we end up in one of those embarrassing situations? I thought Dr. S was going to do other stuff before the PS, so there I am in a very uncomfortable half paper gown and paper blanket, and thinking when I should ask P to either move SS behind me or take her to the waiting room. But they were both into a Toy Story book and next thing I know, Dr. S starts the exam. Just as I am trying to concentrate on anything other than what is happening, I hear my very loud daughter announce, "Baba, it's Mama's v@g*na!" I so wanted to die, a very quick and horrific death. Dr. S thought it was funny and said "Oh, this must be SS's first PS." Then SS proceeded to inquire at full volume what Dr. S was doing to Mama's v@g*na, and what was wrong with Mama's v@g*na. I felt that last shred of dignity dissolve at that moment. That's it, it took her two years but I have no dignity left. Removing SS from the room was not an option at that point. She would have screamed that she wanted to stay with Mama's v@g*na and neither one of us wanted to risk further embarrassment.
Because the situation was not awkward enough, I told SS that I spent my summers pretty much watching Abuela do what Dr. S was doing. Meaning that I sometimes got more than an eyeful of a total stranger's privates. Dr. S thought that was very funny. I guess now I have no right to question my mother's judgment when I do no better with my own children. On the way to the car I told P that at least we use the proper anatomical terms with SS. She could have spouted out several more embarrassing pet names.
And how was your day?
Holy cow, K! A gynecologist does not perform this "procedure"??
Yes, gynecologists do perform them but also general practitioners. I am comfortable with my GP, one less person to get acquainted with.
Holy cow - K - that's why they make chocolate and vanilla. I have concierge medicine and a wonderful internist. But I would never let anybody but a gyno touch my netherworld. You're a trusting soul!
SS looks so doggone cute.
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