Tuesday, December 23, 2008

J is coming to town!

Last night P called J to find out when is he coming over and we are beyond excited because he is coming this afternoon. We are so freaking excited! P got up at 4:00 a.m. after hardly sleeping last night to get to work early and be here when J arrives at 3:00 p.m. Hopefully, because his workload is brutal right now. Still, I'm glad that he's willing to make an extra effort.

Baby S has a treat coming and she does not know about it. P also called our favorite steakhouse and since they are closed on Christmas Eve, it looks like Baby S will have her third dinner at Jack's Grill tonight. J has yet to try them and we are pretty sure he'll like their food. I am surprised we are returning because it is NOT a kid friendly place. It is a very small restaurant and the dining is pretty much done by candlelight. I wonder how much longer we are going to get away with bringing Baby S there. We'll keep it up as long as possible because the food is tasty, including their homemade salad dressing, garlic bread and baby S's favorite, baked potatoes.

I still have SO MUCH to do to get ready for Christmas. Yesterday I was feeling sick and Baby S had a terrible night. She actually took two long naps yesterday so when P headed upstairs at 9:30 p.m. I wasn't sure that Baby S was ready to go gentle into that goodnight sleep. However, P is rather stubborn so I decided to keep quiet (I did inform him about the naps) and watch the fireworks.

Baby S was so active that P actually placed her on her crib while awake. Big mistake. She whimpered, cried and ended up gasping for breath, not something I wanted to hear. Poor baby was OK during the day but full of phlegm last night. I gave her some med but she could not settle and kept headbutting me and kicking P. Baby S actually got a loud crack on the side of my face. Yikes, that really hurt. I finally left our room and rocked her to sleep. It's 5:30 a.m. and she is still in bed because she did not fall asleep until 2:30 a.m. Needless to say I did not sleep and I'm feeling really tired.

Still, J is coming home and we are going to have a blast. I have the feeling that our Christmas is going to turn out a bit different that expected. J's shift begins at noon on Christmas, so we will probable be up at the crack of dawn opening presents before he leaves. This means that while people are getting up and beginning their festivities chances are that P, Baby S and I will be upstairs catching up on very much needed sleep. So if you do not hear from us on Christmas day, do not take it personally, because we intend to give ourselves the gift of sleep. Other than J and Baby S, nothing else matters. We are not even getting gifts for each other. We got our present very early this year, July 7, and we have been enjoying every second since then.

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