That is the amazing thing about Online friends, especially for us APs. Granted, one can find a lot of trouble Online, one does not even have to look that hard. But to APs, this community is 99% of the time a lifesaver. They understand The Wait, they understand the need to bond with our children, and they understand the trial and tribulations of attachment. Only someone who has been there, done that (BTDT) or someone who has lived through it with a close friend or relative can truly understand. And then there are those kind souls who have no direct experience, but are
in tune with our children's pain. We are thankful for all of you.
When P and I made the decision to post about our concerns (no, we have not posted everything), we never expected the only emotional support to come from people we have never met. Of people we now in real life (IRL), only JJ and D have expressed concern and understanding. That is a bitter pill to swallow, but such is life.
SS enjoyed the beads, sea creatures shapes, turtle swim ring and the Hugs. She sees turtles almost daily and promptly recognized them. SS also blew us away by knowing that she was holding yummy chocolate in her tiny hands. Thanks Michelle.
* Sorry it took so long to post this, as I am obviously backtracking. We have been rather bummed out about Jokshy returning home. We are also dealing with SS's inability to understand why she can't see her brother daily.*
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