There were not that many people there, and had JJ been with us, we would have ditched SS and go crazy on the slides. SS had a great time in what she now obviously deems as her l@zy l@goon, and swam her tiny tush off. Since we were not besieged with splashing and pushing teens, I tempted fate and got my diaper bag camera. Leave it up to SS to act uncharacteristically clingy and whinny. I will upload video tomorrow, because it takes too long to upload to U.t.u.b.e, and I am beat.
The lifeguard at the lagoon was smitten with SS. Funny, the dude was late teens or early 20s, tattooed, spiky hair and full of I-don't-give-a-sh*t attitude. That guy could not stop complimenting SS, talking about how adorable he found her. Whenever we were by him he would make a comment, kidding, like "if you don't watch her, I'll take her from you." At a point, SS was screaming just for the heck of it, and he actually blew his whistle, and made a cut it out gesture to us. Spiky hair dude, we do not make her scream, that is what your so called adorable creature does. He also asked us if he could have her. Not a freaking chance, and just try asking that when JJ is here.
SS danced in front of the band, but froze whenever she realized that people were watching her. Totally out of character, and we think it has to do with the adjustments we have made. A three-year old girl approached SS and wanted to dance with her. SS was really shy and would not allow the girl to get close to her. For about thirty seconds, they both danced. The girl really danced, SS went through the motions. Again, out of character for SS. The girl's father took a picture of them, but came to us and asked if it was OK, or he would delete. Since his daughter was in parts of the video we took of SS (she jumped in), he asked, seemed to realize his boo boo, and did not give a creepy vibe, we said it was OK.
The little girl pursued SS for a while and tried to give her a hug. SS freaked out, and we felt bad. The mother came up to us and tried to pry her daughter from SS. We told SS that it was OK, but SS cried. The mother did the she is beautiful thing, and then asked "Is she yours?" UGH. I am not doubting the sincerity of her statement. The mother, the father and three other people in their group spent about half an hour smiling, waving and trying to get SS to talk to them. But, why ask?
Paddy wanted to slow dance with SS and I but our little tornado was not up for a dance. We decided to dance anyway, and SS spent the entire song running and dancing around us. I don't recall when was the last time I danced with my husband. Having a little one, and one with special needs really takes a toll on your relationship. However, for us, it's all about SS, her needs and her well being.
SS finds a shark in the lazy lagoon.
Barking at kids who get too close for her comfort.
Our little hula girl. We can't wait to take her to her first luau when she visits Grandpa in Maui. We are aiming for next year.
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